Ohio Athletic Conference

Capital at Baldwin Wallace
@ Berea, OH (Ursprung Gymnasium)
10/5/2024 at 1:02 pm

Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Baldwin Wallace (10-6,0-2 OAC) 25 17 21 20 1
Capital (9-9,1-0 OAC) 19 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
CAP -- 1st -- BW
  F-46 starters: Brinn, MacLellan; Katarina, Blazetic; Gabby, Schlecht; India, Woodson; Sam, Rueda; Josie, Lynn.  
  F-117 starters: Sophia, Sobota; Abby, Reed; Bryn, Whitmer; Chloe, Preocanin; Larissa, Smith; Samaree, Perkins.  
[Whitmer, Bryn] Bad set by Whitmer, Bryn. Point BW 0-1
[Blazetic, Katarina] Bad set by Whitmer, Bryn. Point BW 0-2
1-2 [Blazetic, Katarina] Service error. Point CAP
  CAP subs: Spillers, Olivia.  
[Spillers, Olivia] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 1-3
  BW subs: Rogers, Ella; Contris, Paige.  
2-3 [Contris, Paige] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Spillers, Olivia] Kill by Rueda, Sam (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 2-4
[Gardner, Lauren] Attack error by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 2-5
[Gardner, Lauren] Service ace (Team). Point BW 2-6
3-6 [Gardner, Lauren] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
  CAP subs: Winters, Kenadee.  
[Winters, Kenadee] Kill by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 3-7
[Rueda, Sam] Attack error by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 3-8
4-8 [Rueda, Sam] Attack error by Rueda, Sam (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
[Sobota, Sophia] Attack error by Brunner, Abby (from Preocanin, Chloe). Point BW 4-9
[Rogers, Ella] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 4-10
5-10 [Rogers, Ella] Kill by Preocanin, Chloe (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
6-10 [Brunner, Abby] Kill by Preocanin, Chloe (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Brunner, Abby] Bad set by Whitmer, Bryn. Point BW 6-11
7-11 [Lynn, Josie] Kill by Preocanin, Chloe (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Whitmer, Bryn] Service error. Point BW 7-12
[Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by Rueda, Sam (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 7-13
[Blazetic, Katarina] Service ace (Team). Point BW 7-14
8-14 [Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by Reed, Abby (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Spillers, Olivia] Service error. Point BW 8-15
9-15 [Contris, Paige] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
10-15 [Perkins, Samaree] Attack error by Woodson, India. Point CAP
11-15 [Perkins, Samaree] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
12-15 [Perkins, Samaree] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Perkins, Samaree] Attack error by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 12-16
[Gardner, Lauren] Kill by Rogers, Ella. Point BW 12-17
[Gardner, Lauren] Kill by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 12-18
13-18 [Gardner, Lauren] Attack error by Rueda, Sam (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
[Winters, Kenadee] Attack error by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 13-19
[Rueda, Sam] Kill by Rogers, Ella (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 13-20
14-20 [Rueda, Sam] Kill by Whitmer, Bryn (from Brunner, Abby). Point CAP
[Sobota, Sophia] Kill by Rogers, Ella (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 14-21
[Rogers, Ella] Attack error by Preocanin, Chloe (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 14-22
15-22 [Rogers, Ella] Service error. Point CAP
16-22 [Brunner, Abby] Service ace (Rueda, Sam). Point CAP
[Brunner, Abby] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 16-23
17-23 [Lynn, Josie] Service error. Point CAP
18-23 [Whitmer, Bryn] Service ace (Gardner, Lauren). Point CAP
[Whitmer, Bryn] Service error. Point BW 18-24
19-24 [Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by Reed, Abby (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Spillers, Olivia] Attack error by Reed, Abby (block by Woodson, India; Rueda, Sam). Point BW 19-25
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CAP -- 2nd -- BW
  BW subs: Schlecht, Gabby.  
  CAP subs: Winters, Kenadee; Spillers, Olivia.  
  F-46 starters: Brinn, MacLellan; Katarina, Blazetic; Gabby, Schlecht; India, Woodson; Sam, Rueda; Josie, Lynn; Lauren, Gardner; Ella, Rogers; Paige, Contris.  
  F-117 starters: Sophia, Sobota; Abby, Reed; Bryn, Whitmer; Chloe, Preocanin; Larissa, Smith; Samaree, Perkins; Abby, Brunner; Olivia, Spillers; Kenadee, Winters.  
  BW subs: MacLellan, Brinn.  
1-0 [Contris, Paige] Service error. Point CAP
  CAP subs: Spillers, Olivia.  
2-0 [Spillers, Olivia] Service ace (Rogers, Ella). Point CAP
[Spillers, Olivia] Attack error by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 2-1
3-1 [Gardner, Lauren] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn), block error by Rueda, Sam. Point CAP
[Perkins, Samaree] Kill by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 3-2
[Rueda, Sam] Attack error by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 3-3
4-3 [Rueda, Sam] Service error. Point CAP
  CAP subs: Winters, Kenadee.  
5-3 [Winters, Kenadee] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
6-3 [Winters, Kenadee] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
7-3 [Winters, Kenadee] Attack error by Rogers, Ella (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
[Winters, Kenadee] Service error. Point BW 7-4
  BW subs: MacLellan, Brinn.  
[Rogers, Ella] Attack error by Whitmer, Bryn. Point BW 7-5
8-5 [Rogers, Ella] Attack error by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
  BW subs: Schlecht, Gabby.  
9-5 [Sobota, Sophia] Attack error by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
[Sobota, Sophia] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 9-6
10-6 [Lynn, Josie] Kill by Preocanin, Chloe (from Sobota, Sophia). Point CAP
[Brunner, Abby] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 10-7
11-7 [Blazetic, Katarina] Attack error by Woodson, India (block by Perkins, Samaree). Point CAP
12-7 [Whitmer, Bryn] Attack error by MacLellan, Brinn (block by Preocanin, Chloe). Point CAP
[Whitmer, Bryn] Kill by Rueda, Sam (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 12-8
13-8 [Contris, Paige] Service error. Point CAP
[Spillers, Olivia] Attack error by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 13-9
[Gardner, Lauren] Kill by Rogers, Ella (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 13-10
[Gardner, Lauren] Attack error by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 13-11
[Gardner, Lauren] Kill by Blazetic, Katarina. Point BW 13-12
14-12 [Gardner, Lauren] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Perkins, Samaree] Kill by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 14-13
15-13 [Rueda, Sam] Attack error by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
[Winters, Kenadee] Kill by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 15-14
16-14 [Rogers, Ella] Kill by Smith, Larissa (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Sobota, Sophia] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 16-15
17-15 [Lynn, Josie] Service error. Point CAP
[Coach] Sanction (Capital) Point BW 17-16
18-16 [Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn, block error by Whitmer, Bryn. Point CAP
19-16 [Whitmer, Bryn] Attack error by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
20-16 [Whitmer, Bryn] Service ace (Schlecht, Gabby). Point CAP
[Whitmer, Bryn] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 20-17
21-17 [MacLellan, Brinn] Kill by Reed, Abby (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
22-17 [Spillers, Olivia] Service ace (Rogers, Ella). Point CAP
23-17 [Spillers, Olivia] Attack error by Rueda, Sam (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
24-17 [Spillers, Olivia] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
25-17 [Spillers, Olivia] Service ace (Rogers, Ella). Point CAP
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CAP -- 3rd -- BW
  F-46 starters: Katarina, Blazetic; India, Woodson; Sam, Rueda; Josie, Lynn; Lauren, Gardner; Ella, Rogers; Paige, Contris; Brinn, MacLellan; Gabby, Schlecht.  
  F-117 starters: Sophia, Sobota; Abby, Reed; Bryn, Whitmer; Chloe, Preocanin; Larissa, Smith; Samaree, Perkins; Abby, Brunner; Olivia, Spillers; Kenadee, Winters.  
  BW subs: Rogers, Ella; Woodson, India; Contris, Paige.  
  CAP subs: Winters, Kenadee; Spillers, Olivia.  
  BW subs: Saghy, Alyssa.  
[Whitmer, Bryn] Attack error by Whitmer, Bryn. Point BW 0-1
1-1 [Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by Reed, Abby (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
  CAP subs: Spillers, Olivia.  
[Spillers, Olivia] Kill by Rueda, Sam (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 1-2
  BW subs: Rogers, Ella.  
2-2 [MacLellan, Brinn] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
  BW subs: Contris, Paige.  
[Perkins, Samaree] Kill by Rogers, Ella. Point BW 2-3
3-3 [Gardner, Lauren] Kill by Smith, Larissa (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
  CAP subs: Winters, Kenadee.  
4-3 [Winters, Kenadee] Kill by Smith, Larissa (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
5-3 [Winters, Kenadee] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Winters, Kenadee] Kill by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 5-4
6-4 [Rueda, Sam] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Smith, Larissa). Point CAP
[Sobota, Sophia] Kill by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 6-5
7-5 [Rogers, Ella] Service error. Point CAP
[Brunner, Abby] Kill by Blazetic, Katarina (from Schlecht, Gabby). Point BW 7-6
8-6 [Lynn, Josie] Kill by Preocanin, Chloe (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Whitmer, Bryn] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 8-7
9-7 [Blazetic, Katarina] Service error. Point CAP
10-7 [Spillers, Olivia] Service ace (Rueda, Sam). Point CAP
11-7 [Spillers, Olivia] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
  BW subs: Simonson, Sydney.  
[Spillers, Olivia] Kill by Simonson, Sydney (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 11-8
  BW subs: Martinez, Bella.  
[MacLellan, Brinn] Attack error by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 11-9
12-9 [MacLellan, Brinn] Service error. Point CAP
[Perkins, Samaree] Attack error by Sobota, Sophia (from Spillers, Olivia). Point BW 12-10
13-10 [Gardner, Lauren] Service error. Point CAP
[Winters, Kenadee] Attack error by Smith, Larissa (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 13-11
  BW subs: Curtiss, Ashleigh.  
14-11 [Curtiss, Ashleigh] Service error. Point CAP
15-11 [Sobota, Sophia] Service ace (Contris, Paige). Point CAP
[Sobota, Sophia] Attack error by Preocanin, Chloe (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 15-12
[Martinez, Bella] Bad set by Whitmer, Bryn. Point BW 15-13
16-13 [Martinez, Bella] Service error. Point CAP
17-13 [Brunner, Abby] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
18-13 [Brunner, Abby] Service ace (Schlecht, Gabby). Point CAP
[Brunner, Abby] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 18-14
19-14 [Lynn, Josie] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
20-14 [Whitmer, Bryn] Attack error by Simonson, Sydney (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
[Whitmer, Bryn] Kill by Blazetic, Katarina. Point BW 20-15
[Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by Simonson, Sydney (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 20-16
[Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 20-17
[Blazetic, Katarina] Attack error by Preocanin, Chloe (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 20-18
[Blazetic, Katarina] Attack error by Preocanin, Chloe (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 20-19
[Blazetic, Katarina] Attack error by Sobota, Sophia (block by Simonson, Sydney). Point BW 20-20
21-20 [Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
22-20 [Spillers, Olivia] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
23-20 [Spillers, Olivia] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Spillers, Olivia] Kill by Simonson, Sydney (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 23-21
24-21 [MacLellan, Brinn] Service error. Point CAP
25-21 [Perkins, Samaree] Kill by Smith, Larissa. Point CAP
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CAP -- 4th -- BW
  BW subs: Martinez, Bella.  
  F-46 starters: Katarina, Blazetic; Sam, Rueda; Josie, Lynn; Lauren, Gardner; Brinn, MacLellan; Gabby, Schlecht; Alyssa, Saghy; Ella, Rogers; Paige, Contris; Sydney, Simonson; Bella, Martinez; Ashleigh, Curtiss.  
  F-117 starters: Sophia, Sobota; Abby, Reed; Bryn, Whitmer; Chloe, Preocanin; Larissa, Smith; Samaree, Perkins; Abby, Brunner; Olivia, Spillers; Kenadee, Winters.  
  BW subs: Saghy, Alyssa; Rogers, Ella; Curtiss, Ashleigh; Rueda, Sam; Contris, Paige.  
  CAP subs: Winters, Kenadee; Spillers, Olivia.  
  BW subs: Smith, Lexi.  
[Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by Smith, Lexi (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 0-1
[Blazetic, Katarina] Attack error by Perkins, Samaree (block by Simonson, Sydney; MacLellan, Brinn). Point BW 0-2
1-2 [Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
  CAP subs: Spillers, Olivia.  
2-2 [Spillers, Olivia] Attack error by Smith, Lexi (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
[Spillers, Olivia] Service error. Point BW 2-3
  BW subs: Martinez, Bella; Contris, Paige.  
3-3 [Contris, Paige] Kill by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
4-3 [Perkins, Samaree] Service ace (Team). Point CAP
5-3 [Perkins, Samaree] Attack error by Simonson, Sydney (from Martinez, Bella). Point CAP
6-3 [Perkins, Samaree] Kill by Smith, Larissa (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Perkins, Samaree] Service error. Point BW 6-4
[Gardner, Lauren] Attack error by Smith, Larissa (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 6-5
7-5 [Gardner, Lauren] Kill by Reed, Abby (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
  CAP subs: Winters, Kenadee.  
[Winters, Kenadee] Attack error by Brunner, Abby (from Smith, Larissa). Point BW 7-6
8-6 [Smith, Lexi] Service error. Point CAP
  BW subs: Rueda, Sam.  
9-6 [Sobota, Sophia] Kill by Preocanin, Chloe (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Sobota, Sophia] Kill by Martinez, Bella (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 9-7
[Martinez, Bella] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Martinez, Bella). Point BW 9-8
10-8 [Martinez, Bella] Attack error by MacLellan, Brinn (from Gardner, Lauren). Point CAP
[Brunner, Abby] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn. Point BW 10-9
11-9 [Lynn, Josie] Attack error by Simonson, Sydney (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
12-9 [Whitmer, Bryn] Service ace (Rueda, Sam). Point CAP
13-9 [Whitmer, Bryn] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
14-9 [Whitmer, Bryn] Attack error by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
[Whitmer, Bryn] Service error. Point BW 14-10
[Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by Smith, Lexi (from Gardner, Lauren). Point BW 14-11
15-11 [Blazetic, Katarina] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
16-11 [Spillers, Olivia] Service ace (MacLellan, Brinn). Point CAP
[Spillers, Olivia] Kill by Simonson, Sydney (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 16-12
[Contris, Paige] Attack error by Sobota, Sophia (from Brunner, Abby). Point BW 16-13
17-13 [Contris, Paige] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Perkins, Samaree] Bad set by Preocanin, Chloe. Point BW 17-14
[Gardner, Lauren] Service ace (Spillers, Olivia). Point BW 17-15
[Gardner, Lauren] Kill by Martinez, Bella (from Gardner, Lauren). Point BW 17-16
18-16 [Gardner, Lauren] Service error. Point CAP
[Winters, Kenadee] Kill by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 18-17
  BW subs: Curtiss, Ashleigh.  
19-17 [Curtiss, Ashleigh] Kill by Smith, Larissa (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
20-17 [Sobota, Sophia] Attack error by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
[Sobota, Sophia] Attack error by Sobota, Sophia (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point BW 20-18
[Martinez, Bella] Kill by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point BW 20-19
21-19 [Martinez, Bella] Kill by Smith, Larissa (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
22-19 [Brunner, Abby] Attack error by Lynn, Josie (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
23-19 [Brunner, Abby] Kill by Perkins, Samaree (from Whitmer, Bryn). Point CAP
[Brunner, Abby] Service error. Point BW 23-20
24-20 [Lynn, Josie] Attack error by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
25-20 [Whitmer, Bryn] Attack error by MacLellan, Brinn (from Blazetic, Katarina). Point CAP
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